

Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, M., Nixon, M. (Eds.) (2014) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds, ETC-Press

Journal Articles

Pargman, D., Eriksson, E., Höök, M., Tanenbaum, T. J., Pufal, M., Wangel, J. (2017) What if there had only been half the oil? Rewriting history to envision the consequences of peak oil. Energy Research & Social Science September 2017, Vol 31 pp 170-178 Tanenbaum, T. J., Gardner, D., & Cowling, M.(2017).Chalk, Props, And Costumes: Two Exercises for Teaching Pervasive Game Design. Analog Game Studies, 4(4) Tanenbaum, T. J. (2015)Hermeneutic Inquiry for Digital Games Research. The Computer Games Journal. Springer, June 2015, Vol 4, no.1, pp 59-80 Tanenbaum, K., Hatala, M., Tanenbaum, T. J., Wakkary, R., & Antle, A. N. (2013). A Case Study of Intended Versus Actual Experience of Adaptivity in a Tangible Storytelling System. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). 1-43. Bizzocchi, J., Tanenbaum, T. J. (2012). Mass Effect 2: A Case Study in the Design of Game Narrative. Bulletin of Science Technology Society October 2012 vol. 32 no. 5 393-404 Bizzocchi, J., Lin, B., Tanenbaum, T. J. (2011). Games, Narrative, and the Design of Interface. The International Journal of Art and Technology (IJART) 4(4) 460-479 Tanenbaum, T. J., & Tanenbaum, K. (2010). Getting Your Hands on Electronic Literature: Exploring Tactile Fictions with the Reading GloveThe Journal of the International Digital Media Association (iDMAa). 8(2) 46-57 Tanenbaum, K., & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2010). Agency as Commitment to Meaning: Communicative Competence in Games. Digital Creativity. 21 (1) 11-21. Tanenbaum, T. J., & Bizzocchi, J. (2009). Close Reading Oblivion: Character Believability and Intelligent Personalization in Games. Loading…The Journal of the Canadian Games Studies Association, 3(4). Tanenbaum, T. J., & Tomizu, A. (2008).Narrative Meaning Creation in Interactive Storytelling. International Journal of Computational Science, 2(1), 3-20. Ron Wakkary, Kevin Muise, Karen Tanenbaum, Marek Hatala, and Leora Kornfeld (2008) Situating Approaches to Interactive Museum Guides.Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 367-383. Download PDF

Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings

Jackson, J., Tanenbaum, T. J., Tanenbaum, K., Cowling, M., Walter., M. (2017) Making Plastic Printing Sustainable and Playful. In Allahyari, M. & Rourke, D. (eds.) The 3D Additivist Cookbook. Tanenbaum J., Tanenbaum K., (2015) Fabricating Futures: Envisioning Scenarios for Home Fabrication Technology. In Zagalo, N. & Branca, P. (eds.).Creativity in the Digital Age Springer-Verlag, London Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, M., & Nixon, M. (2014) Challenges and Opportunities for the Ongoing Study of Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds. In Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, & M., Nixon, M. (Eds.) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Expressive Characters. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA. pp 355-361. Tanenbaum, T. J., Nixon, M., & Seif El-Nasr, M. (2014) Basics of Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds. In Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, & M., Nixon, M. (Eds.) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Expressive Characters. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA. pp 33-43. Tanenbaum, T. J., Nixon, M., & Seif El-Nasr, M. (2014) Basics of Nonverbal Communication in the Physical World. In Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, & M., Nixon, M. (Eds.) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Expressive Characters. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA. pp 17-31. Tanenbaum, T. J. (2014)Introduction to this Collection. In Tanenbaum, T. J., Seif El-Nasr, & M., Nixon, M. (Eds.) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Expressive Characters. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA. pp 1-3. Antle, A.N., Tanenbaum, T. J., Macaranas, A. (2014) Games for change: Looking at models of persuasion through the lens of design. In. Nijholt, A. (ed.) Playful User Interfaces: Interfaces that Invite Social and Physical Interaction, Springer, 2013. Tanenbaum, T. J. (2014). Embracing and Understanding Subversive Play in Digital Narratives. In Dark Magic: Entertainment in the Era of Big Data, by Tawny Schlieski. Ron Wakkary, Audrey Desjardins, Kevin Muise, Karen Tanenbaun and Marek Hatala (2012) Situating the Sociability of Interactive Museum Guides. In Elisa Giaccardi (Ed.), Heritage and Social Media: Understanding Heritage in Participatory Culture. Routledge, pp. 217-238. Williams, A., Tanenbaum, T. J. (2012)Palettes, Punchcards, and Politics: Beyond Practicality and Hedonism. In G. Hertz (Ed.), Critical Making: Terms (pp.1-8). Si, M., Thue, D., André, E., Lester, J., Tanenbaum, T. J., & Zammitto, V. (Eds.). (2011). Interactive Storytelling: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (Vol. 7069). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Bizzocchi, J. & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2011)>Well Read: Applying Close Reading Techniques to Gameplay Experiences. In Well-Played 3.0, Drew Davidson ed., ETC press.

Magazine Articles

Augmenting reality for augmented realityMichael CowlingTheresa Jean TanenbaumJames BirtKaren Tanenbaum,  interactions, 2016 Introduction, Theresa Jean TanenbaumGillian Smith, interactions, 2016 Furious futures and apocalyptic design fictions: popular narratives of sustainability, Theresa Jean TanenbaumMarcel PufalKaren Tanenbaum, interactions, 2016 Design fictional interactions: why HCI should care about stories, Theresa Jean Tanenbaum, interactions, 2014 Steampunking interaction design: principles for envisioning through imaginative practice, Theresa Jean TanenbaumAudrey DesjardinsKaren Tanenbaum, interactions, 2013 Karen Tanenbaum and Alissa N. Antle (2009) A Tangible Approach to Concept Mapping. In S.-I. Ao (Ed.), IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies Volume II: Special Edition of the World Congress of Engineering and Computer Science, CP 1127, American Institute of Physics, pp. 121-132.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers in Proceedings

Teaching Pervasive Game Design in a Zombie Apocalypse, Theresa Jean TanenbaumDaniel GardnerMichael Cowling, CHI PLAY ’17 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017 Designing Hybrid Games for Playful Fabrication: Augmentation, Accumulation & Idleness, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumMichael Cowling, CHI PLAY ’17 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017 Magia Transformo: Designing for Mixed Reality Transformative Play, Ke JingNatalie NygaardTheresa Jean Tanenbaum,  CHI PLAY ’17 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017 Rickman, J. & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2016) – GeoPoetry: Designing Location-Based Combinatorial Electronic Literature Soundtracks for Roadtrips. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) 2016, November 15-18, Los Angeles, California, USA. Tanenbaum, K., & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2016) – Playful Fabrication: Speculative Game Designs for 3D Printers. Paper presented at the first joint conference of Foundations of Digital Games & Digital Games Research Association (FDG/DiGRA), 2016, August 1-6, Dundee, Scotland. Tanenbaum, T. J., Crenshaw, N., & Tanenbaum, K.  (2016) – “Its’a Me, Mario!”: Costumed Gaming’s Effects on Character Identification. Paper presented at the first joint conference of Foundations of Digital Games & Digital Games Research Association (FDG/DiGRA), 2016, August 1-6, Dundee, Scotland. Pufal, M., & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2016) – Surviving Fallout 4: A Design Fiction. Paper presented at the first joint conference of Foundations of Digital Games & Digital Games Research Association (FDG/DiGRA), 2016, August 1-6, Dundee, Scotland. Gardner, D. (2016)Gatekeeping Games: A Topographic Consideration of Para-Ludic Borderlands. Paper presented at the first joint conference of Foundations of Digital Games & Digital Games Research Association (FDG/DiGRA), 2016, August 1-6, Dundee, Scotland. The limits of our imagination: design fiction as a strategy for engaging with dystopian futures, Theresa Jean TanenbaumMarcel PufalKaren Tanenbaum LIMITS ’16 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, 2016 Penseive Box: Themes for Digital Memorialization Practices, Charu ChaudhariAnjanakshi PrakashA. M. TsaasanJed R. BrubakerTheresa Jean Tanenbaum, TEI ’16 Proceedings of the TEI ’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2016 Why we use and abandon smart devicesAmanda LazarChristian KoehlerTheresa Jean TanenbaumDavid H. Nguyen, UbiComp ’15 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2015 Tanenbaum, T. J., & Tanenbaum, K. (2015) –Envisioning the Future of Wearable Play: Conceptual Models for Props and Costumes as Game Controllers. Paper presented at Foundations of Digital Games, 2015.  June 22-25, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. (Peer Reviewed) Tanenbaum J., & Tanenbaum, K. (2015) – Empathy and Identity in Digital Games: Towards a New Theory of Transformative Play. Paper presented at Foundations of Digital Games, 2015.  June 22-25, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Chu, S.L, Quek, F., and Tanenbaum, T. J. (forthcoming 2013) – Performative Authoring: Nurturing Storytelling in Children through Imaginative Enactment.  Paper presented at International Conference for Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS), November 6-9, 2013. Istanbul, Turkey Tanenbaum, T. J. (2013) – How I learned to stop worrying and love the Gamer: Reframing Subversive Play in Story-Based Games.  Paper presented at DiGRA 2013. Atlanta, GA, USA. The effects of physicality on the child’s imagination, Sharon Lynn ChuFrancis QuekLuke GusukumaTheresa Jean Tanenbaum, C&C ’13 Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition, 2013 Three perspectives on behavior change for serious games, Theresa Jean TanenbaumAlissa N. AntleJohn Robinson, CHI ’13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013 Democratizing technology: pleasure, utility and expressiveness in DIY and maker practice, Theresa Jean TanenbaumAmanda M. WilliamsAudrey DesjardinsKaren Tanenbaum, CHI ’13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013 Steampunk as design fiction, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumRon Wakkary CHI ’12 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012 Tanenbaum, T. J. (2011). Imagining New Design Spaces for Interactive Digital Storytelling. In M. Si, D. Thue, E. André, J. Lester, J. Tanenbaum J., & V. Zammitto (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling (Vol. 7069, pp. 261-271): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.[27% acceptance rate] Tanenbaum, T. J. (2011). Being in the Story: Readerly Pleasure, Acting Theory, and Performing a Role. In M. Si, D. Thue, E. André, J. Lester, J. Tanenbaum & V. Zammitto (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling (Vol. 7069, pp. 55-66): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.[27% acceptance rate] Karen Tanenbaum (2011) User Perceptions of Adaptivity in Ubiquitous Systems: A Critical Exploration. PhD Forum 3-HCI and Systems at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, (Portland, OR, November 9-12, 2011), pp. 88-93. Download PDF Tanenbaum, K., Hatala, M., & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2011). User Perceptions of Adaptivity in an Interactive Narrative. In the Proceedings of theInternational Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’11). [20% acceptance rate] Antle, A.N., Tanenbaum, T. J., Tanenbaum, K., Bevans, A., Wang, S. and Seaborn K. (2011). Balancing act: Enabling public engagement with sustainability issues through a multi-touch tabletop collaborative game. In Proceedings of INTERACT, Sept 5- 9, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, in press. [27.6%. acceptance rate]. Experiencing the reading glove, Karen TanenbaumTheresa Jean TanenbaumAlissa N. AntleJim BizzocchiMagy Seif el-NasrMarek Hatala, TEI ’11 Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, 2010 Futura: design for collaborative learning and game play on a multi-touch digital tabletop, Alissa N. AntleAllen BevansTheresa Jean TanenbaumKatie SeabornSijie Wang, TEI ’11 Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, 2010 Authoring tangible interactive narratives using cognitive hyperlinks, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumMagy Seif El-NasrMarek Hatala, INT3 ’10 Proceedings of the Intelligent Narrative Technologies III Workshop, 2010 The Reading Glove: designing interactions for object-based tangible storytelling, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumAlissa Antle, AH ’10 Proceedings of the 1st Augmented Human International Conference, 2010 Tanenbaum, K., & Tanenbaum, T. J. (2009). Commitment to Meaning: A Reframing of Agency in Games. In the Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Digital Arts and Culture (DAC). December 12-15, Irvine, USA Marek Hatala, Karen Tanenbaum, Ron Wakkary, Kevin Muise, Bardia Mohabbati, Greg Corness, Jim Budd, Tom Loughin, (2009) Experience Structuring Factors Affecting Learning in Family Visits to Museums. In U. Cress, V. Dimitrova, & M. Specht (Eds.): “Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines”, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL09), LNCS 5794, Springer-Verlag, Sept/Oct 2009, pp.37-51. Download PDF Ron Wakkary and Karen Tanenbaum (2009) A Sustainable Identity: The Creativity of an Everyday Designer. In Proceeding of the 27th annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Boston, MA, April 4-9, ACM Press, pp. 365-374. Download PDF Ron Wakkary, Marek Hatala, Kevin Muise, Karen Tanenbaum, Bardia Mohabbati, Jim Budd, (2009) Kurio: A Museum Guide For Families. InProceedings of Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI), Cambridge, UK, February 16-18, ACM Press, pp. 215-222.  Download PDF Rock Band: a case study in the design of embodied interface experience, Theresa Jean TanenbaumJim Bizzocchi, Sandbox ’09 Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games, 2009 Tanenbaum, T. J., & Tanenbaum, K. (2008).Improvisation and Performance as Models for Interacting with Stories.In U. Spierling & N. Szilas (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling (Vol. 5334, pp. 250 – 263). Berlin: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Karen Tanenbaum and Alissa Antle, (2008) Using Physical Constraints to Augment Concept Mapping on a Tangible Tabletop. In S. I. Ao, C. Douglas, W.S. Grundfest, L. Schruben and J. Burgstone (Eds.): World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2008), International Conference on Education and Information Technology, San Francisco, CA, October 22-24, IAENG: San Francisco, USA. LNECS 2186, pp. 539-547. Download PDF Kevin Muise, Karen Tanenbaum, Ron Wakkary, Marek Hatala, (2008) A Report on Participatory Workshops for the Design of Adaptive Collaborative Learning. In Workshop on Adaptive Collaboration Support in Adaptive Hypermedia (AH2008), Bonn, Germany, July 28, 4 pages. Download PDF Ron Wakkary, Kevin Muise, Karen Tanenbaum, Marek Hatala, Leora Kornfeld (2007). Situating Approaches to Museum Guides for Families and Groups. In J. Trant and D. Bearman (Eds.): Proceedings of International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM07), Toronto, Canada, October 24-26, Archives & Museum Informatics, pp. 367-383. Online Paper Tanenbaum, T. J., & Tomizu, A. (2007). Affective Interaction Design and Narrative Presentation. In the Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Intelligent Narrative Technology. November 9-11, Arlington, USA


Augmented Tabletop Games Workshop, Zachary O. ToupsNicolas LaLoneOğuz Turan BurukTheresa Jean TanenbaumAaron TrammellJessica HammerAnsgar Depping, CHI PLAY ’17 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017 Digital Craftsmanship: HCI Takes on Technology as an Expressive Medium, Jennifer JacobsDavid MellisAmit ZoranCesar TorresJoel BrandtTheresa Jean Tanenbaum, DIS ’16 Companion Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, 2016 Costumes and Wearables as Game Controllers, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumKatherine IsbisterKaho AbeAnne SullivanLuigi Anzivino, TEI ’15 Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2015 Critical making hackathon: situated hacking, surveillance and big data proposal, Karen TanenbaumTheresa Jean TanenbaumAmanda M. WilliamsMatt RattoGabriel ReschAntonio Gamba Bari, CHI EA ’14 CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014 Alternate endings: using fiction to explore design futures, Conor LinehanBen J. KirmanStuart ReevesMark A. BlytheTheresa Jean TanenbaumAudrey DesjardinsRon Wakkary, CHI EA ’14 CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014 Tanenbaum J., Tanenbaum K.,(2013) Fabrication as Syndication: 3D Printing, Communication, and Narrative.  In FAB @ CHI workshop proceedings. Design fictions, Theresa Jean TanenbaumKaren TanenbaumRon Wakkary, TEI ’12 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2012 Tanenbaum, T. J., Tanenbaum, K., Bizzocchi, J., & Antle, A. N. (2011). Understanding Narrative and Embodied Interactions with “Present-at-Mind”. Paper presented at the Embodied Interaction Workshop at CHI 2011. (Peer Reviewed Workshop, Extended Abstract)