Evoking Transformative Play Day with Middle Schoolers – July 29th, 2015

Wednesday July 29th, 2015 in collaboration with EVOKE, UCI’s Video Game Development Club, FABWorks and the STAR lab, the Transformative Play Lab and the middle-school teachers, students and staff at CDS co-developed an assortment of diverse “hands on” interactions for small groups of students (grade 5-7). Afterward we reflected on the ideas evoked through the experience and continue to develop student-driven projects which re-imagine STEM narratives through physical making, playful fabrication, and creative collaboration.

Station 1. Makey Makey with PlayDoh
Station 2. Reading Glove
Station 3. 3D scanning and intro to printing
Station 4. Tour and intro to the machine affordances of FABWorks
Station 5. Introduction to Game Development
Station 6. Ninja Game

And many thanks to our beta testers for helping to prepare for the outreach event!